The Great Banyan – Shibpur, Howrah


The Great Banyan is a magnificent banyan tree (Ficus benghalensis) located in the Acharya Jagadish Chandra Bose Indian Botanic Garden, Shibpur, Howrah, near Kolkata, India.

The Great Banyan Tree

  • Age: Estimated to be over 250 years old.
  • Size: Covers an area of approximately 1.94 acres (7860 square meters).
  • Circumference: The trunk has a circumference of over 330 meters (1083 feet).
  • Aerial roots: Has over 2,880 aerial roots, which support the tree’s massive structure.
  • Height: Reaches a height of around 24 meters (79 feet).
  • Conservation: Recognized as a “Heritage Tree” by the Indian government.
  • Tourism: Attracts millions of visitors each year.
  • Ecological significance: Provides habitat for various birds, bats, and insects.
  • Cultural importance: Considered sacred by locals and a symbol of Kolkata’s natural heritage.
  • Maintenance: Regularly pruned and maintained by the botanic garden authorities to ensure its longevity.

The Great Banyan Tree Shibpur The Great Banyan Tree Howrah

The Great Banyan is not only an incredible natural wonder but also an important part of India’s cultural and ecological heritage.


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